Todos los países más ricos fueron a divertirse en la fiesta del petróleo, Dubái salió elegida reina, la mesa estaba servida con los más ricos manjares, los países industrializados vestidos de gala y llenos de reliquias disfrutaban de la fiesta, comían a más no poder, charlaban de negocios, reían, brindaban por el éxito obtenido, contaban anécdotas de cómo habían usurpado el gobierno y los recursos de los países pobres. Los sirvientes, países del tercer mundo o subdesarrollados, como los llaman ellos, traían cansados las bandejas de comida y servían atentamente a los comensales. Pero entre tanta alegría nadie se había percatado de que la comida había empezado a escasear, al principio los países corpulentos no se percataron porque estaban todos embriagados, pero cuando se empezó a sentir el hambre, mandaron a llamar al jefe del servicio, le preguntaron ¿Qué pasa con la comida? _ El moviendo los hombros contesto: _ ¡No hay más petróleo para producirla! Ya habíamos avisado que en 60 minutos o en 30 se acabaría, pero ustedes siguieron de fiesta, en vez de preocuparse por encontrar otros medios alternativos para producir energía sin tanto derroche, yo les había advertido que deben consumir menos pero no me hicieron caso _ ¡Como que no hay más! Dijo América y sacando una daga degolló al país pobre; todos rieron por el hecho. Pero pasadas las horas los restos de comida sobre la mesa se volvieron apetitosos, los países gordos empezaron a mirarse fijamente, desafiantes, como fieras enfrentadas, corriendo sus sacos dejaban ver plateadas armas nucleares listas para usarse, las risas terminaron, la música se paro. Y nadie sabía lo que iba a pasar.
Inglish Version:
All the richest countries went to amuse in the holiday(party) of the oil, Dubái chosen queen went out, the table was served by the richest delicacies, the industrialized countries dressed in show and full of relics they were enjoying the holiday(party), were eating to any more not being able, were chatting business, were laughing, were drinking to the obtained success, were telling anecdotes of how they had usurped(seized) the government and the resources of the poor countries. The servants, countries of the third world or underdeveloped, since they are called them they, were bringing tired the trays of food and were serving attentivly the retainers. But between(among) so many happiness nobody had noticed that the food had started skimping, initially(originally) the burly countries did not notice because they were all inebriated, but when one started feeling the hunger, gave the orders to call the chief of the service, asked him what does happen(pass) with the food? _ moving the shoulders I answer: _ there is no any more oil to produce it! Already we had warned that in 60 minutes or in 30 would be ended, but you continued of holiday(party), instead of worrying for finding other alternative means to produce energy without so much waste, I they had warned that they must consume less but they did not notice me _ as that it(he,she) is not any more! He(she) said America and extracting a dagger it(he,she) destroyed to the poor country; they all laughed for the fact. But spent(passed) the hours the remains of food on the table became tasty, the fat countries started looking fixedly, challenging, as conflicting beasts, traversing his(her,your) sacks they were stopping to see silver nuclear weapon ready for be used, the laughs ended, the music I stop. And nobody knew what was going to happen(pass).
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